International Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming

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Sixth International Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming

Opening Ceremony - Opening Ceremony
Keynote Addresses - Keynote Addresses
Session 1 - Crop Production in Kyusei Nature Farming with EM
Session 2 - Waste Management with EM Technology
Session 3 - Animal Production in Kyusei Nature Farming and EM Technology
Session 4 - Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Development Through Kyusei Nature Farming
Session 5 - Extension and Development of Kyusei Nature Farming and EM Technology
Session 6 - Pest Management Through EM Technology
Session 7 - New Developments in EM Technology
Session 8 - Expansion of Kyusei Nature Farming and EM Technology in the World
Others - Abstracts of Posters

Keynote Addresses

Organic Farming - Its Role in the New Century
A. Litterick, S. Brenman and C. Leifert

Organic Farming in South Africa - Prospects for the Future
B. Pickering

Opportunities and Challenges for the use of Microbial Inoculants in Agricultural Practice
J. Zarb, C. Leifert and A. Litterick

Kyusei Nature Farming - The Concept and Development
S. Shinoda

Effective Microorganisms in the Context of Kyusei Nature Farming - A Technology for the Future
T. Higa