
Welcome Address

Dr. J. F. Prinsloo

Director, Aquaculture Research Center, University of the North, Sovenga, South Africa

Distinguished guests, dear friends,

The 6th Intentional Kyusei Nature Farming Conference is being held in South Africa from 28-31 October 1999. The theme of this conference is "Greater Productivity and Cleaner Environment through Kyusei Nature Farming". This is a timeous and important event, fitting in well with the development and implementation of new strategies with regard to sustainable food production in Africa and protection and enhancement of natural beauty of this vast continent.

The African continent is facing increasing food shortages, resulting in unacceptably high levels of malnutrition, poverty and even starvation. Both commercial and rural farming enterprises are under pressure to meet the increased demands for food. As a result of this pressure there is an increase in the use of inorganic fertilizers and chemical pesticides, leading to the dramatic reduction in soil quality and an increase in environmental degradation.

Kyusei Nature Farming, based on the philosophy of Mokichi Okada, with its aim of "saving the world through natural or nature farming methods", supported by EM Technology, has a definite role to play in reversing these trends. Although southern Africa is a newcomer to the use of this technology, preliminary research findings as well as commercial production trials indicate the advantages of the large-scale implementation of this kind of farming activity to increase food production and stop environmental degradation. This implementation will undoubtedly result in the improvement of the quality of life of the people of this region.

Implementation of the Kyusei Nature Farming philosophy in all spheres of life in this region will be enhanced through the support of practitioners and specialists around the world, many of whom have already indicated their willingness to become active partners.

Africa looks forward to the large-scale implementation of Kyusei Nature Farming supported by EM Technology in the new millennium.