
Effect of Microbial Inoculants and Mineral Elements on Drought Resistance and Yield of Field Bean

A. M. Primavesi

Fazenda Ecologica, Itai, SP, Brazil

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Three factors that can help to reduce the adverse effects of drought on crop plants are: surface mulches to prevent evaporation of soil moisture; a well-developed root system to maximize the absorption of water and nutrients; and, optimum and balanced nutrition which allows plants to use water more efficiently. A field study was conducted to determine the effect of two-microbial inoculants and different sources of mineral elements on drought resistance and yield of field bean. Treatments included: microbial inoculants applied to the seed and leaves; seed pelleted with quicklime and inoculants; and, mineral sources applied to the seed and soil. Results showed that neither the mineral sources nor the microbial inoculants alone could improve drought resistance of the crop plants; however, when used together there was a definite improvement for certain combinations. Widespread adoption of these formulations by farmers will depend on their cost-effectiveness.