
Integrated Crop/Livestock Production Systems for Kyusei Nature Farming in Brazil

T. Kinjo1, S. K. Homma2, S. Kinjo2, A. B. Sanches2, A. B. da Silva2, R. B. da Silva2, W. M. P. Silva2, J. L. Perez2 and K. S. S. Perez2

Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil1 and
Mokich Okada Foundation, Ipeuna and Atibaia, SP, Brazil2

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This paper reports on the development of an integrated system of crop and livestock production in Brazil based on Kyusei Nature Farming. Experiments began in 1984 in which animal feeds and Effective Microorganisms (EM) were major inputs. Some important features of this uniquely integrated system include a) use of animal manures for crop production instead of chemical fertilizers, b) use of EM4 rather than pesticides, antibiotics and hormones, c) addition of poultry manure to cattle and hog rations, and d) addition of cattle and hog manure to cattle rations.