A. M. Premavesi
Ecological Farm, Itai, SP, Brazil
Full Paper (PDF File: 60KB)
Visual mineral deficiencies, mineral balances and their proportions in
plants are well known. Latent deficiencies are not easily found out even
though they are important to plant health, which is sometimes misunderstood,
especially referring to diseases and pests. All materials, from minerals
to animals and man, have their magnetic emanations with their own shape
and color. Why plants should not have them too? Men's magnetic fields change
strongly according to health, mood and psychological conditions. Thus,
it was supposed that plants also could reveal their health conditions.
Magnetic fields were photographed against a high frequency electric field
which visualizes them. Experiments were made with cucumber, tomato, lettuce,
field beans, weeds, sunflower, grass, rice and fruit trees, and also with
cattle hair. Big differences appeared between sick and healthy plants and
cows. In rich soil with enough organic matter there was always better plant
health when applying EM.